Ohio Conference #6: May 9-11, 2023

We return to 361Firm’s roots for our 12th Ohio event, and 6th annual conference. See Program Deck.

Tue. May 9 - Columbus

1:00 - Transportation Research Center 10820

OH-347, East Liberty, OH 43319

4:00 - Horsepower Farms 4301 Home Rd, Powell, OH 43065

7:00 - AC Downtown Columbus (Informal Reception) 

Wed. May 10 - Columbus - Gravity 

Full Conference: for all registrants at Gravity Project 500 W Broad St, Columbus, OH 43215

  1:00 - Welcome to Conference

  1:15 - Zeitgeist Panel on Future of Ohio 

  1:50 - Overview of Ohio’s Diverse Regions

  2:00 - Opportunities in Appalachia 

  2:30 - Advanced Mobility & Other Tech Industries

  3:00 - Energy Resources & Tech (Hydrogen & Batteries)

  4:00 - Optimizing Impact & NextGens in Ohio & Globally

  4:30 - Roundtables by Industries & Interests

  5:00 - Debrief & Reception 

PCI Allocator Session: for approved active allocators only at Gravity Project 500 W Broad St, Columbus, OH 43215

  8:30 - Doors Open - Breakfast

  9:00 - Welcome, Participant Introductions 

  9:30 - Discussion of Investment Survey

10:00 - Ohio College Endowment Perspectives 

10:30 - Presentations

  • Optimizing VC, Ken Goldman (Eric Schmidt FO)

  • Oil & Gas Secondaries, Chris Whyte (CEO of Petrosantander)

  • Optimizing Trading with Data, Marc LoPresti

  • Manager Selection Across Vintages”, Lee Hess (SFO & Founder of UK Fund Cairngold)

  • Future of PE, Michael Weisbach (OSU Professor) 

11:00 - Best Ideas on Deal/Fund Strategies 

12:00 - Private Lunch 

Thu. May 11 - Canton Impact Forum 

10:30 - Kickoff at Hall of Fame Village 2626 Fulton Dr NW

11:00 - Welcome, Frame-up and Economic Development in Stark County

11:30 - Tour and Discussion of Hall of Fame Village Project

12:30 - Depart for Walsh University

  1:00 - Welcome Lunch for 360 One Firm guests

Summit at Walsh University Global Learning Center 2020 E Maple St

2:00 - Opening - “The Walsh Impact”

2:15 - The “Missing Millions”: The Social Impact of Academic and Business Collaboration

2:30 - Panel Discussion 1: Legacy Manufacturers Transitioning to the Renewable Sector: The Journey and the Future

3:30 - Break/Networking

4:00 - Panel Discussion 2: Walsh University’s Skilled Technical Workforce Program: Enhancing the U.S. Workforce's Technological Proficiency for Increased Global Competitiveness in the Future Tech-Centric Economy

5:00 - Closing Comments

5:05 - Cocktail/Networking

To help shape the final Agenda, you can:

> join our weekly Prep Calls on Fridays 10:00 ET (3:30pm UK)
> join our Ohio WhatsApp Group at https://361.pub/OhioWApp