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Click below to subscribe to one or more 361Firm events or content. For events, you’ll be added to calendar invites and distribution lists for updates. The most updated and complete list of events can be seen on our Events page. Click here to see the library of circa 1,000 recordings (over 2,000 hours) and search by keyword or person.

For context on 361Firm, see the bottom of this webpage.

To be added to the Prep Calls for the events per the table below, you need to “register interest” in the specific events from our Events page. Checking boxes above add you to just to the distribution lists for updates.

361Firm's global community is now 7K+ strong across SFOs, institutional investors, funds, and CXOs. Founded in 2015 after 10 years with a SFO investing in and with funds/FOs and 10+ years as a lawyer and M&A Partner at Andersen and EY in Europe/Asia, we now primarily collaborate in four areas:

(1) Investments (Allocator Sessions, core members with first access & intelligence, fund formations);

(2) Raising Capital ($8B+ to date in funds/companies by our broker-dealer platform);

(3) Connecting Partners/Talent (including our CIO Council); and

(4) Optimizing Philanthropy, interconnecting for efficiencies and linking to Impact Investing.

We’ve hosted events in 69+ cities and 20+ countries, since 2016 via Zoom with Tuesday 11am Briefings, Deep Dives and 10:30am Meetups. 360 stems from hosting roundtables since 2005 and "One Firm" from Andersen heritage of the core partners.

> Video Content:

> Podcast Content:

> Digests:

> Overview Deck: