Wednesday Event Planning Calls

at 10:30am ET (via Zoom - login shared for onboarded registrants)

Every weekday at 10:30AM ET we have a series of 361Firm community coordination calls/zooms:

  • Mondays: “Weekly Gear-up”

  • Tuesdays: All Group Co-Leader Coordination (general updates and "village" discussion) followed by the Tuesday 11am Briefing with macro and micro updates

  • Wednesdays: Specific Group/Event Coordination

  • Thursdays: Roundups, for full 361Firm community (but we can set up Breakout rooms).

  • Fridays: Final Roundups, similar to Thursday but we introduce some “speed breakouts” to meet new people.

In Roundups, we welcome content for the Weekly Digest, to bring attention to your Events/Groups and Insights

To be included, you just need to register below. If you are new to the 361Firm community or haven’t already, to complete registration, you’ll need to to “Onboard” our 361Firm App (, also via iOS or Android). Here’s a 60-sec. video on creating an account and using the App.
