4th London & Europe Tour Sept. 18-23, 2022
We updated our UK/EU Tour schedule in London to respect Queen Elizabeth II and the practicalities of travel in Mayfair on Monday, Sept. 19.

On Sunday, Sept. 18 we will start earlier at the May Fair Hotel (full Conference Room 8) at 1pm with panels and breakouts, followed by the Reception in the large Private Dining Room. On Monday, as we still have the rooms reserved, we will welcome people to stop by for breakfast and/or lunch, with a TV set up to observe the procession. With all the changes, we actually were able to bring some more interesting people who weren’t earlier able to join, hopefully including some special guests. The remainder of the tour in Wiesbaden, Frankfurt and Zurich is unchanged. See updated agenda below.
Sunday, Sept. 18 (The May Fair Hotel):
1-5PM Conference at The May Fair Hotel, Room 8
5-7PM Breakouts & Reception, Private Dining Room
7-9PM Dinner, Private Dining Room
Monday, Sept. 19 (The May Fair Hotel):
9:00 - Breakfast in Private Dining Room, 1:1s. Some join Queen’s funeral and procession.
On departure to Germany:
Option 1 - fly to Frankfurt (car or train to Wiesbaden) for 9am Tuesday start of Prestel Conference.
Option 2 - stay overnight in London, depart in morning
Tuesday, Sept. 20 (Wiesbaden, Prestel Conference):
9AM Prestel Conference starts
5PM (11AM ET) - Briefing #128 from Germany led by Stephen Burke (in separate conference room)
Evening - Prestel Dinner, 361 Informal Drinks
Wednesday, Sept. 21 (Wiesbaden, Prestel Conference + 4PM 361 Rhine River Tour):
3-5PM - 361 Reception on Dock at Rhine River
5-8PM - Rhine River Cruise
Night - stay at Wiesbaden Hotel
Thursday, Sept. 22 (Frankfurt Roundtables and Zurich Reception):
8-11AM - Conference at Frankfurt Airport Executive Club -
8AM - Breakfast
9AM - Zeitgeist Panel on Germany/Europe, Breakout Roundtables, 1:1 meetings
12:09PM Train to Zurich (4PM arrival)
5-8PM - Reception at Prime Tower, Maagplatz 5, CH-8005
Friday, Sept. 23 (Zurich Roundtables):
8-11AM - Conference at Hotel Widder, Rennweg 7, CH 8001
8AM - Breakfast
9AM - Zeitgeist Panel on Switzerland, Roundtables, 1:1s
11AM - Formal End, some take train to Zurich for flights
For Hotel Room Block in London - click here for The May Fair Hotel
For Hotels in Wiesbaden (Radisson) & Zurich, email Lisa Morris at lisa@roadconcierge.com
Register and indicate your interests in the form below:
Note that the dates in the form do not confirm to the updated agenda for London due to adjustments for the Queen’s funeral.
*361Firm has been attending Prestel events around the world since 2019, and we are excited to return to their flagship event in Wiesbaden as part of our Tour. There will be many institutional and family office investors at the conference, many of whom will join us on our Rhine River Tour the afternoon of the 21st and our Breakfast Roundtable in Frankfurt on the 22nd. Here is the Prestel Conference Agenda. If interested to register for Prestel, email Michael Spaeth at mspaeth@361firm.com (and cc msanor@361firm.com).