Global Conference: Sept. 16-17, 2020

“Adjusting our Game Plans”

Following earlier conferences, we expect several hundred to gather Sept. 16-17 to share updated perspectives in panels and breakouts by asset classes, industries, interests (e.g. Impact, Future of Work) and alumni groups. The theme this month is “Adjusting our Game Plans” with keynotes

On May 28, economist keynotes showered us with data. On July 30, a futurist shared “macro forced” (see recordings on our App). On Sept. 16-17, we merge both over two days to include our full global network. For parts you can’t join, we share recordings except private sessions for family office principals & CIOs. We also introduce great TED Talk-like presentations.

This is free for all Member of 361Firm, and other allocating family offices and E&Fs who have not yet attended a 361Firm event. Please so indicate your profile when registering here, and we will send you the new event password prior to the event. For all others, the registration fee is $400 for Day 1 or 2 and $500 for both (or $300 before August 31).

*You will also need to “Onboard” via the App at Each participant’s RSVP is subject to review; if you are not accepted, we will give you an immediate full refund.

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