New York Summit on Investing & Philanthropy: Oct 12, 2023

On Oct. 12, we host our Fall Summit in New York at Polsinelli (600 3rd Ave). This Summit will feature panels and have breakouts to discuss how best to navigate the investment and philanthropy/impact landscapes today. Below you can register - note the “Early Bird” fee of $750 increases to $900 on Oct. 11. Note also that we will have a final "pre-event “Prep Call” on Wed., Oct. 10 at 10:30am ET on our Zoom.

Summary Agenda:

8:30 AM: 361Core Member Session"*

12:00 PM: Allocator Session for family office Principals, CIOs & Institutional (PCI) investors

2:00 PM: Welcome

2:30 PM: Zeitgeist Panel

3:00 PM: Emerging Industries Panel 

3:30 PM: Breakouts by Assets and Industries

4:00 PM: Debrief and Sharing of Takeaways from Breakouts

4:15 PM: Impact, Next-Gen, and Philanthropy Panel 

4:45 PM: Breakouts (Continued)

5:15 PM: Recap and Final Takeaways

5:30 PM: Reception

*361Core is our exclusive program that enables collaboration on investments among a core global group of family offices with at least $10M to invest in companies and funds in the next 12 months. To learn more about 361Core, you can schedule a meeting here.  

Active allocators, approved on submitting our Diagnostic, can receive complimentary access to the Summit as well as to morning sessions for only Qualified Investors, QUIB and QP investors (including Pensions, SWFs, Foundations, SFOs, Endowments, and Insurance Companies) who are actively allocating as LPs in funds or SPV sponsors. Those who meet the criteria above but also engage in fundraising may join at a 50% discount. If you're an active allocator, fill out the Diagnostic, and we will circle back quickly with approval or any questions to clarify.

"Early Bird" Oct. 12 New York Summit