Impact/NextGen Summit in New York March 22-23, 2023

March 22: BDO (622 3rd Ave, 31st fl)

March 23: ARS (5th fl, 529 5th Ave)


You can now (1) officially register just below, (2) indicate panel and breakout interests further below and (3) use this Input Form to suggest speakers and agenda items.

(1) Registration - register for $1500.


  1. The Time New York (224 West 49th St) $259 - book

  2. OMNI (21 E 52nd St) $379 - book

Active Allocators are complementary if approved after confirming "QP" status via our Allocator Registration Form.

(2) Indicate you interests in the form below.

(3) Help shape the agenda via this Impact/NextGen Summit in NY 2023 Input Form to suggest speakers and agenda items.