Future of Work

Thanks to the many thought leaders in our 361 community (e.g. Simon Vine, Gary Bolles, Denise Brouder, Erica Orange), we host a series of Deep Dives to focus on where the hockey pucks are heading and the implications. Upcoming FoW events will include a focus on the "Gig Economy", real estate, Education and AI.


Join “Future of Work“ group on 361 App to receive all updates and interact with our community.

“The Future is Female” Deep Dive Pt 3 - Future of Work (May 11, 2021)


Future of Work Deep Dive #2 (Dec. 3, 2020)


"Future Forces" Day 2 of 361Firm Global Conference @Erica Orange (Sept. 17, 2020)

China dimensions on Education & Talent and Competencies Tree (Sept 17, 2020) @Erica Orange, Future Hunters

"Intelligence not Smart & Design Thinking" Future Hunters, @Erica Orange (Sept 17, 2020)
