Dec. 15: Predictions & Awards Lunch + Ping Pong

We gather Dec. 15 for an Awards Lunch and Ping Pong as well as a morning session for allocating PCIs (FO Principals, CIOs and Institutional investors). The “Awards Ceremony” celebrates the best deals, ideas, events and those who enlightened and/or entertained us. We also show highlights of our community’s 2022 predictions - share yours via Ping Pong starts off with a fun Mixer then a singles and doubles tournament at SPIN (48 E. 23rd.) at 3-5pm. Reserve your spot today below - discounted if you register by Dec. 10.

AWARD VOTING. Please vote below for your nominees for the key awards, and the last question allows you to "write in" other nominees. Voting ends at midnight on Monday, Dec. 13.

NOTE: net proceeds go to 8 to 80 Zones, a collaboration of ex-49ers Steve Young and Jerry Rice to help youth in underserved communities to access careers in tech/media. 361Firm supported 8to80 Zones earlier in the year with our Kickoff event and aims to support again leading up to Super Bowl XVI Feb. 13 as part of our West Coast Tour. To secure more tables at SPIN, we welcome co-sponsors.

Awards & 2022 Predictions Lunch
Holiday Ping Pong Mixer at SPIN
Awards Lunch & Ping Pong Mixer