Survey on April 2 COVID-19 Web Conference, and

Shaping our “COVID-19 Update Conference” on April 30*

Following up on our April 2 web conference on the C-19 investment landscape with over 250 participants (see Takeaways here), we will host a "C-19 Update Conference" with some new speakers (including a special keynote), a new approach to Roundtables, and flash polls to canvass various perspectives of the expected 500+ participants. We welcome your input to finalize the agenda and role(s) you could play (as panelist, moderator, or speaker) via this survey. *Note that while we plan for April 30 9am to 1pm, Question 3(a) invites your input on timing.

Meanwhile, we will also host the following events in April, and you can register your interest below:

(a) 30-minute briefings with running updates from the network, by default on Tuesdays at 11am ET (register here);

(b) “deep dive” web summits on C-19’s impact on industries and/or assets, e.g. on the Agriculture / Food & Beverage industry on April 16 (register here) and Venture Funds & Tech Deals on April 20 11am ET (register here). Also, you can stay updated via our Events page; and

(c) 361Firm “Virtual Happy Hour” on Thursdays at 5-6pm ET focused on light-hearted content and networking (register here).